Source Photonics is committed to providing innovative and reliable technology

By providing reliable technology around the globe, Source Photonics has grown to become a world-class leader and trusted name for next generation networks and data centers. We’re your source for a wide range of high quality data connectivity solutions and optical communication products designed to meet increasing bandwidth requirements. We partner with customers around the world to develop the components you need, and support our products with the utmost integrity through outstanding customer service.

Continuous improvement is what powers our product line. No matter how much we improved, we never rest.

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Understanding TAA Compliance

TAA refers to the Trade Agreements Act (19 U.S.C. & 2501-2581), which is intended to foster fair and open international trade. TAA requires that the U.S. Government may acquire only “U.S. – made or designated country end products. This act requires that contractors must certify that each end product meets the applicable requirements. 

Source Photonics is committed to make it easy for our customers, partners, and resellers to conduct business with government agencies and educational institutions, check out We have extended our product line to include TAA compliant solutions that are reliable, high quality, and cost-effective.

We continuously ensure we are at the forefront of industry trends and customer demand by manufacturing in multiple locations including our facilities in Taiwan. Our TAA compliant optical transceivers are in full observance of all government requirements set forth by the Federal Trade Agreements Act.

For more information about our TAA compliant products, please email