Form Factor: SFP+

Data Rate: 9.9 Gb/s Tx, 9.9 GB/s Rx & 2.5 Gb/s Tx, 1.25 Gb/s Rx

Reach: 20 km

Temperature: Commercial (C) and Industrial (I)


Form Factor: SFP+

Data Rate: 9.9 Gb/s Tx, 9.9 GB/s Rx & 2.5 Gb/s Tx, 1.25 Gb/s Rx

Reach: 20 km

Temperature: Commercial (C)


Form Factor: SFP+

Data Rate: 9.9 Gb/s Tx, 2.488 GB/s Rx & 2.5 Gb/s Tx, 1.25 Gb/s Rx

Reach: 20 km

Temperature: Commercial (C) and Industrial (I)


Form Factor: SFP+

Data Rate: 9.9 Gb/s Tx, 2.488 Gb/s Rx & 2.5 Gb/s Tx, 1.25 Gb/s Rx

Reach: 20 km

Temperature: Commercial (C) and Industrial (I)


Form Factor: SFP+

Data Rate: 9.9 Gb/s Tx, 2.488 GB/s Rx & 2.5 Gb/s Tx, 1.25 Gb/s Rx

Reach: 20 km

Temperature: Commercial (C)